School Info

Grades Taught

Kdn. to Gr. 12


Preeceville School is a K-12 school located in Preeceville Saskatchewan. The school population is 231 students with, 14 teachers, 6 Educational Assistants, an Administrative Assistant, a Library Tech, and two Caretakers. We service the town of Preeceville and surrounding area. The school offers a wide range of curricular and extra-curricular athletics and clubs.


The first school the Preeceville residents attended was Beaver Bluff, located two miles southwest of Preeceville. In 1913 a school was built in Preeceville, and a room was added in 1915. The school was destroyed by fire in 1921. The brick school was built in 1922, and later torn down. The new elementary was built in 1963, the north wing was added in 1966, and the west wing (high school) in 1975. The school gymnasium was built in 1971. 

Preeceville School celebrated its 100 year anniversary during​ the 2012-2013 school year.


Principal - Douglas King

Vice Principal - Leslea Hanson


Chris Balyski


Administrative Assistant- Tammy Heskin


"Students Come First"


"Building Strong Foundations to Create Bright Futures"


"Learning Without Limits ... Achievement For All"


"Belonging, Responsibility, Respect, Learning and Nurturing"